Here, you'll find Last Life's team of content creators. Click on an icon to view that creator's profile.
Founder and sysadmin of Last Life, Veegie creates long-form video game reviews and analyses.
Heyo! I'm hatwearinggamer and I like to focus on how games evolve in sequels and remakes. I'm also Australian which is cool I guess.
Liam Triforce
I like to tell stories.
Takes videogames a bit seriously. B.Eng Software Engineering. Video Dude. Reportedly incredibly cool. Είμαι μαλάκας.
I used to draw a comic about talking vegetables. Now I talk about video games once every 8 months (if I'm lucky).
Hello, I am KingK! I am best known for telling strangers to have well-deserved fun after waffling on about video games to a degree no one ever asked for.
MML's Commentaries
I'm MML, and these are my commentaries.
Corvus critiques video games & game design. Home of long-form critiques and Design Frame.
The Playing Field
Hey there! I'm a level designer who very occasionally creates videos.
Boldly Wired
Like many people, I've loved video games for as long as I can remember. My channel's focus is sharing my personal experiences with games and what makes them special to me.
Bouken Jima
I cover a lot of games but mostly I try to say something that hasn't been said already.