Apex Legends

  • Dunno if anyone's interested in battle royale style games, but this one's from the Titanfall devs and it's free (though you have to install Origin, which understandably turns people off) and pretty fun. Got the standard X amount of people drop on an island and fight it out, an ouch circle closes in to force you all closer together, you gotta loot guns and items to be the last squad standing, etc, but it distinguishes itself by having fairly tight gunplay, excellent movement, and multiple characters with different abilities to liven things up a bit. Since it's free to play, the only thing you can spend money on is cosmetics, and the 2 of 8 characters that start locked if you don't want to grind to unlock them.

    Personally, I enjoy playing Lifeline and absorbing every ultimate accelerant I find to get more supply drops for my team, or Bangalore and dropping smoke and artillery strikes on enemies. Anyone else checked out the game?

  • I've played it a few times with a couple of friends. First time playing a battle royale game in general, and in the few hours I've played I haven't managed to kill anybody yet - though admittedly FPSes aren't my forte. Still, I enjoy playing support classes like Lifeline and Pathfinder so I can support my team outside of combat. We've gotten as high as 2nd place, but man is it tense. I appreciate that you can resurrect teammates if you can get their banner after they die, too.

  • The classes are a game changer, but, at the same time, they're impressively balanced.

    • Lifeline is arguably necessary, but the heal is stationary, slower than healing items, and has a relatively high cooldown.
    • Wraith's invulnerability prevents her from seeing enemies, enemies can still see an obvious trail, and there's a delay in bringing her gun back out.
    • Bloodhound's trap and target scan is only in front of him and enemies can see the scan range so they know if they were scanned and where the scan came from.
    • Gibraltar's shield drop also prevents him and teammates from shooting out.
    • Caustic's traps slow, coats the screen, and damages, but the slow and coat affects teammates, and Caustics (including enemy Caustics) can ignore the traps altogether.
    • Bangalore's smoke provides cover for everyone and no one can see in or out, whether ally or enemy.

    At the very least, this is what I enjoy about the game. Not to mention the faster paced gameplay, the relatively high Time to Kill, and, goodness, the map is actually well-designed for once. There's also the very well-balanced revive system, the air balloons, and how crates can be placed outside of buildings to better spread out loot, although, let's be honest, luck can still drive this game more often than I'd care to admit, but not nearly as bad as PUBG with its vehicles and awful maps.