How'd you come by your handle?

  • Usernames are an interesting thing. At a glance, they can tell you a little bit about someone's interests or tastes, or can simply be amusing things or in-jokes. So how'd you end up settling on your name?

    Mine's simple. I named myself after an enemy I liked from Super Paper Mario, the Blastboxer. Funny enough, it wasn't my first name. At one time, I used to be Flifit22 during this forum's early days as an attachment to a fansite called Lemmy's Land. But I ah...forgot my own password and wasn't old enough to have my own email. So a change in identity was in order and it stuck.

  • "Skoops" came from people mistyping my original username here and on Lemmy's Land both intentionally and not. The original name was "S. Koopa," who was my idealized self-insert that I'd designed for the Marioverse, and...that was about all there was to that.

    Elsewhere, I have other handles, like Leatherhead64 and Paper-Dragon, the former of which I created because I used to be obsessed with Leatherhead from the 2003 TMNT series, and also thought the N64 was the coolest console ever. (Funny how opinions like that change over time!) I'd like to say that Paper-Dragon has a much more interesting and cool history concerning its conception, but the reality was it was quite mundane; It came from me slapping a new identity together to separate from everything else when I created my FurAffinity account because boy was I paranoid about associating myself with that fandom. (And to be fair, I back then the whole "furry" thing was a bit more controversial in general) I think I'd gone through several names, all of which were either already taken or didn't quite sound good enough to stick with. But by that time, I'd created Lex, a dragon who was more or less a caricature of myself, (He's also the guy in my avatar) and I was a huge Paper Mario fan, so I decided Paper-Dragon was good enough.

    Oh yeah, and I also had Mister Croc as my alternate account here in 2011, who came about mostly because I seriously thought I could "leave forever" and then come back like a month or two later with a new account and a gimmick to my posting style and that no one would be any the wiser. Bless VG for humoring me until a month or two later when I decided to come out and reveal myself.

    I also had like...27+ different nicks back in the days when the forum still used IRC, but I don't remember the majority of them and they didn't really have any significance or interesting stories behind them other than Skoops-Destroyer-of-JPGs. That came from me spending about a week redoing work in MS Paint (VERY early deviantART days for me) because I was cleaning up the jpg artifacts since I didn't know how to change the file type to png or gif, and it got to me after a few days. This was the image in question for anyone vaguely curious.

    Okay, I'm done now, I swear. Probably. Until tomorrow when I realize I forgot 4 other amusing IRC names or something.

    ...It's 3:30am and I'm going to bed.

  • Awhile back I had a lot of usernames and never honestly stuck with one for 'years' until I came up with Enoshima. Back then I used to be called Mike T. Koopa, Evilmike, etc... it all had to do with my first name I guess. I then got inspiration of the name 'Enoshima' from an anime character seen in Dangan Ronpa. She's a villain, a big one at that and as a child I always was fond of villains like Jafar, Scar and most other Disney bad guys.

    I always lived on the edge, so I decided Enoshima was the right call. It's nice! Most people just refer to me as 'Eno' nowadays since I suppose it's a tad long under the tongue?

  • At some point I was introduced to Persona 4 via the Giantbomb Endurance Run playthrough series on YouTube. It got me interested in the series as a whole, and to this day I'm a huge fanatic.
    One of my favorite things about it was how it meshes fantasy elements with a realistic (by contrast, anyway) life sim. That playthrough highlighted the most surreal and funny bits of that, like the talking bear or the drug-dealing fox at the shrine that turns out to be a social link.
    My friends and I couldn't get over this being an actual thing in the game. We had a lot of inside jokes going about it to the point where I settled on using it as a new moniker: ShrineFox. Simple, has a nice ring to it, and should be instantly recognizable to other P4 fans.
    I never had as much of a connection to any previous usernames that were just thought up on the spot, so I think that's why it's stuck with me to this day.

  • Lershyath, the long version, I think I found off a random name generator. I wasn't original back then when it came to names, that's for sure.

  • I haven't had a handle for quite a few years, used to go by a few fan character names. Those names I randomly had thought off when creating characters way back in the late 90s, early 2000s.

    Nowadays, I just go by my real name. My handle if you can call it that for most places now is tregan219 what I use for various social media accounts.