The Order 1886 Was actually pretty good...

  • So i just finished The Order 1886 and I was kinda surprised. I remember the storm of frustration, disappointment and anger that destroyed the game when it first came out, I don't really know why, if it was a No Man's Sky situation or if people just got too excited for the game but I was expecting something much worse for the 6 out of 10's the game was getting. I was very surprised and pretty happy with the game.

    Of course, its only like 10 hours long with 15 chapters and I believe 3 of those chapters are just cut scenes but I was personally fine with that. I have just finished a bunch of really long games so I was happy to have something quick and the cutscenes are beautifully directed and designed so I was perfectly happy with watching longer ones.

    I also missed out on a lot of the earlier god of war type games so I've never had a hatred for quick time events like some people so I actually found them to be a good way of keeping me on my toes during those long cut scenes.

    I can't ignore some of the games issues tho, the gunplay is all fine and I enjoyed it but the werewolf sections were just so lazy. Like it happens twice or maybe 3 times in the whole game and it just consists of you sitting in a corner, hitting X to dodge them if they run at you and just wait and shoot them when you see them. All of which happening in nearly identical locations. It was so lazy.

    Apart from that and a few other issues I rather enjoyed the game, it really had a lot of that DNA which seems like they took the best aspects of this game, took all the feedback and put that into the new God Of War which I'm very grateful for.

    I know the main reason why I like this game is just that I will always and always have enjoyed linear, focused, short gaming experiences with 100% focus on character and story. I do need fun gameplay but if I don't care about why I'm doing what I'm doing in the game then I'll stop playing. The order always gave me a strong sense of progress and it had a very strong focus from beginning to end which is why I enjoyed it.

    I'm sure this is going to be my unpopular opinion of the week...

  • @Chester-Lidden All I can remember from the reaction to this game was that it was short, had a boring and trite narrative along with being rail roaded to the point of annoyance. It probably wasn’t all bad maybe it works better as a weekend rental kind of a game, but not worth $60 at launch especially when there’s not even anything worth coming back to after the first play through.

    I still enjoy how often it gets roasted though.

  • @Mr-Win I still thought it was pretty damn good for the experience it was, I guess I didn't expect as much from it as most others did