Really neat Kickstarter project in danger of losing funding!

  • I just discovered this really cool Kickstarter project called Warp. It's a shoot-em-up/adventure game hybrid with quirky and sometimes outright disturbing, Cronenbergian characteristics that I think overshadows the maybe-tired pencil on crumpled paper artstyle. Its really hard to describe it, the Kickstarter page (and demo) does a much better job of conveying the feel of this game. It's made by someone called PizWiz, who's made a few other weird projects, including a short game (<- Minor epilepsy warning, just to be safe) that lays tiny bit of foreboding groundwork for Warp. I found all this just yesterday and was really bummed out to see that the funding is still so low with only 6 days remaining. I really think this game deserves a chance, and this forum came to mind as a good place to try and find people who are open-minded to this kind of game.