Fan Games!

  • In today's day and age, everyone wants to make a game. A good deal make their own IPs and characters, but just as many try their hand at making an "unofficial" or even parodious entry for franchises they love. And we've really made some leaps and bounds tech-wise from the days of Newgrounds flash games!

    What fangames out there are you watching out for? What ones have you played? Consider this a general thread for the endeavors of love from talented enthusiasts!

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    For my part, I've got my eye on the one above -- Sonic Utopia, one "Mr. Lange"'s attempt at Open-World Sonic. Its momentum physics really look top notch, and the sense of speed without relying on a boost mechanic is splendid to watch in action. I haven't had the opportunity to play its demo yet though.

  • I love Sonic Utopia!
    Here's a few I've had my eye on:

    Sonic Studio is, well, Mario Maker but for Sonic. Similar to MegaMaker.
    Looks very functional and well-put-together. Promising so far.

    Then we have Super Mario Flashback, an original 2D Mario platformer that aims to combine certain aspects of the OG 2D style with his 3D moveset. They made the assets from scratch and it looks very clean.

    Last but not least, shameless plug: Mother 4. It's in the process of undergoing a rebrand so it's not going to be a "fangame" for much longer, but it's obviously still always going to be heavily based on the Mother games. I'd say it still counts for now.