What's Your "Love to hate" game?

  • What is everyone's game that they always accidentally (or intentionally) find themselves hating on all the time? Mine always used to be Destiny cause I had such strong hopes for it and it ended up a letdown. After that, I had my frustrations with Sea Of Thieves but my main game I always seem to come back to hating on is.....Rugrats Treasure Hunt.....yep.....anyone know that one?....no?

    Alright so Rugrats Treasure Hunt is the worst Mario party rip off in the world, it is so boring and everything takes 3x longer than it should. From rolling to the characters moving. There are no mini-games or anything. It's so painful!!

    I've never been much of a Mario Party fan but I've seen the format done well and it just blows me away how they managed to make it so slow. And then they add in the spaces that make you get put in one place for a few turns without any ability to get out (Like the prison in Monopoly but without the ability to roll out) and so you have to wait there till the game lets you move again. It's pretty painful. I reviewed it a few months back and I think everyone I got to play it with me (as it is a party game) we're bored within like 3 turns!

    So yeah that's my love to hate game...

  • OH BOY, RUGRATS TREASURE HUNT. ALSO KNOWN AS DIET MARIO PARTY, BUT WITH SHIT INSTEAD OF COKE! At least the idea of Reptar Land was decent, but it's soo boring in execution....

    I will always hate Brink, and I love that. The game had so much hype on it, it was marketed as a "TF2 killer", with parkour elements. I've preordered it, too hyped for it. Then I played and it was... pretty bad. The guns felt weak, the parkour was too clumsy to work and the characters were really unbalanced (Medium was the best, with access to good weapons and good mobility), the teamplay was pitiful... It was a mediocre game with very few redeeming qualities, like the art direction. But man, that game was bad. Not worth, even as a free product like it is right now. Good thing the developers took the lessons learned and made a better product on Dirty Bomb.

  • I incessantly rip on Overwatch and Fortnite to my friends (and some strangers). I get why they're popular. Really, I do, and I respect that. But it feels extremely good to also explain why I'm not into them when I'm surrounded in the Nerd Culture Sphere where not liking certain games amounts to a sin and everybody's on my case. That's the deal with Overwatch. Fortnite, not so much. Fortnite is honestly a game where I truly get why it's popular, but I don't understand the appeal. I watch people playing Fortnite. As in I watch not only their gameplay but their face as they're playing. I don't get it. I think the mere fact that I can ramble and rant about both of these games for far longer than a conversation require would indicate that I get a lot out of hating on them. Not a stretch to say I love to hate them more than anything else.

  • Final Fantasy XIII—this game was so aggressively mediocre that I can't help but shit on it at any given opportunity. Annoyingly flat characters and linear gameplay within a glorified 30 hour tutorial. Admittedly I didn't mind the battle system as much and thought it was interesting, but the game doesn't play to its strengths with versatility given that it holds your hand throughout most of the story and doesn't allow you to play around with a full party until you're 3/4 done. At least it's pretty?

  • Broken Age. It's a Double Fine game (Psychonauts/Grim Fandango) that was Kickstarter backed. Now, I didn't back the game, but I think if I did I'd probably hate it even more. Really bland writing with almost no likable characters, as well as weak beginning and an anticlimactic ending. Don't even get me started on the brain dead easy puzzles in the first act vs the insanely ludicrous puzzles of act 2. If ever given the chance in conversations I just love to rip into the game for how much of a humongous disappointment it was.