Introduce Yourself Here!

  • I am the Seed Binder. I was hired by the Thousands. The year of corrosive was last year and I am here to help anyone in need if they seem to be falling into the pit of corrosive.

  • Hi, I'm Terry. Used to be a member of the old LLF forums on and off since the early days. Was thinking about this place and thought I'd check it out.

    The forum does look quite dead sadly though. I can see the whole format looks different to how I remember it. Not sure if I'll be that active here either way.

  • getting back in here "early" in case the long-rumored migration back to basic forums from big social media platforms actually happens. with the whole twitter rate limit thing happening the same day as third party reddit apps died that might actually happen?

    (this is shrugger from the old forum btw)

  • Hi Shrugger, nice to see you again.

    I don't see forums ever coming back unfortunately, but it makes a nice pipe dream.

  • Hi Shrugger!!

    I was wondering the same thing just today lol. It seems that federated/decentralized places have been taking up more people recently. I don't know if they'll last, but if there's a roll of the dice we can take, we may as well try!

  • Hi, my name is Evan Simmers, I am a content creator that has a bunch of disabilities, but I am very ambitous with my work. I'm just starting out with the whole youtube thing, but I try to have fun with what I'm trying to do. If you want to check out with what I've made so far here's the link to the channel for ya.