Super Mario Bros Physics Analysis

  • Hey everyone, I'm Trinsic. Watched a lot of the content creators who are members here for a while now, but never got around to making an account. Til now, obviously.

    Trying my own hand at the videogame video analysis stuff now, and was hoping to get some feedback from people here since this sort of content is basically what this site is about. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules by advertising myself, and hopefully this is the right part of the forum to post this sort of thing in. If not, just let me know.

    Anyway, here it is:
    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    Part 3:
    Part 4:

    I know audio quality isn't great especially for the first part, and that's the main thing I'm gonna focus on improving in any future videos. Will be getting a new recording microphone soon. I also know that early on my editing is kinda rough but I think by the end I had more of a handle on it.

    But yeah, please let me know what you think!