Podcast Questions & Topics - Master Thread

  • Hi all! Here's a Last Life podcast master thread for all questions and topics for future podcast episodes.

    The podcast will be rotating members so if your question is for a specific creator, feel free to mention that.

    Questions or topics may includes games, videos, etc. There are generally no restrictions.

  • How do you guys go about narrowing down what footage to use at a given point in your video, and how long does the selection process take in proportion to the video making process?

  • What is your process for writing scripts?

  • Is Mayonnaise a programming language?

    OK, the serious question is: was there a game that you knew it was good, but for some reason, you never actually completed it? what was the reason for it?

  • What do you feel are the most innovative games of the past 5 years? These don't need to be the best games, but they are innovative in some way? What about the most innovative game of all time? You could think about this in terms of mechanical innovation, but I would also like to hear your thoughts on narrative innovation and how story structure has changed over time.

  • Also, what are your thoughts about roguelikes? Do you feel that the term roguelite is valid or is it a term thrown around by a bunch of people who are upset that roguelikes have evolved past ASCII characters and dungeon crawling? What are your favorite roguelikes? What unique advantages and disadvantages do you feel the genre has? This might be a lot of questions but all I really want is a good discussion about roguelikes so feel free to ignore or none, all, or more of these questions.