⚙️🧹🤖 In Defense of Resident Evil 5’s Automated Partner 🤖🧹⚙️

Turns out RE5’s automated partner isn’t so bad… but only if you play with it as Safari Chris. Why? Well to understand that we’re gonna have to dive into topics of automation, artificial intelligence, robotics, human interaction, user interface design, and of course my robot vacuum.


👓 Intro (0:00)
📼 RE5 recap (0:48)
🧹 Roomba Time (4:57)
⌨️ Personal experience with Automation (8:19)
🤖 Impacts of Automation on Society (9:35)
🎩 Some Political views on Technology (11:48)
🖥️ AI is Maybe Different (12:34)
🙈 Personified Systems and Concerns (15:24)
💞 RE5’s Hopeful Depiction of Automation (22:53)
🎙️ Endscreen and a special readout (27:24)